Encountering a pregnancy belly so vast like this mom below, is a rarity. The extraordinary situation of Renae W has captured widespread curiosity, prompting lively discussions and theories about such an unusual occurrence.
People thought she might be having eight kids
She recounted how her significantly enlarged belly led some to wonder if she was expecting an entire octet of babies inside.
This video has fascinated many viewers, astonished by the sheer size of her belly, resulting in some hilarious banters. Comments range from astounded to humorous, with one viewer joking, “I swear you have like 4 twins in there.” Another was even more bewildered, exclaiming, “There’s a full-grown adult in there.”“Kid’s building a house in there,” said a quippy user.
“He gonna come out driving and Honda Civic,” another chimed in.
One of her followers humorously remarked that she might be harboring an adult inside her belly, but the tone shifted when someone claiming to be a healthcare expert voiced concern over her condition.
Renae countered with, “As a doctor, you should be ashamed of yourself for this video, especially when I’m not your patient. Saying a belly shouldn’t be that big when me and my baby are healthy.”
She observed that the majority of reactions to her pregnancy bump are positive, and she appreciates the playful remarks from her audience.
In another video, Renae addressed the concerns of viewers regarding her unusually large bump, explaining, “I’ve stated in several of my videos I don’t have polyhydramnios or extra fluid or gestational diabetes. I had an ultrasound not that long ago; fluid is normal, the baby is measuring a week and 4 days ahead. I have a high-risk doctor.”Renae welcomed her son into the world through a C-section on February 18, with her baby boy weighing in at an impressive 9 pounds 8 ounces and stretching to 22-and-a-half inches tall.
Her video showcasing her expanding belly shortly before her delivery attracted over five million views, capturing her mix of discomfort and pride. Despite the physical challenges, she acknowledges a future fondness for her pregnancy journey, especially since her son is her long-awaited “rainbow baby.”
“Five kids and no stretch marks, blessed,” one user commented.
Another wrote, “Our bodies are freaking AMAZING!! Your skin looks so good mama!”