In this video, two of the twentieth century’s greatest comedians collaborate to create side-splitting humour in the most unexpected setting. Only these two could make a funeral enjoyable.
Carol Burnett and Robin Williams are attending a funeral. Carol plays a bereaved widow, and Robin is a bothersome acquaintance of her late husband. She had never met him before the funeral, and he had only met her husband on the train they shared.
Robin and Carol play their parts flawlessly, and the dialogue is hilarious. A second take of the same scene later in the video is even more spectacular, but with a twist this time.
Carol suggests that they should reshoot the scene but allow Robin to come up with his own lines. This is where the true genius of this legendary actor comes to light.
An impressed viewer wrote online: “It’s fascinating how Robin Williams’s lines improved were consistently better than the ones an entire team of writers wrote. He really had an incredible comedic mind.”
Many viewers watch the video two or three times to see how the lines improve. Equally impressive is how Carol kept a straight face and reacted accordingly without skipping a beat. With over 9 million views, this video is definitely worth watching at least twice.