Placing orchid leaves in water is a great way to grow healthy roots and leaves. Here’s what’s happening.
Orchids are among the most appreciated plants for their beauty and delicacy. However, growing them can sometimes be difficult, especially when it comes to growing new roots and leaves.
One technique that can help with this process is placing the orchid leaves in a glass of water. This will encourage the growth of new, strong roots and leaves.
Putting orchid leaves in water: preparation The process of growing orchid roots and leaves is quite simple, but it requires attention and care.
First of all, you need to clean the soil and cut the damaged roots from the leaves of the orchid. Then, to disinfect the leaves and prevent diseases, you can use a small clove of crushed garlic which is poured into half a liter of water.
Filter the water to separate the garlic into pieces. Then, we use this water by rubbing it on the leaves using a cotton swab.
Once the leaves have been disinfected, immerse the roots of the plant in a glass of water for 30 minutes using the garlic water prepared previously. Then we dry the plant and place it upside down in a plastic cup.
Before doing this, we drill holes in the top of the glass, which will allow the plant to breathe.
Additionally, these holes allow the base of the plant to retain moisture.
Add tap water to the glass. Be careful not to fill it completely, but put just enough water to cover the initial part of the leaves. We close with another glass and leave the plant like this for 45 days. After 45 days: results